ProjectBlauw | Training Working project-based
ECD project,projecten op snijvlak van business en ICT,opleidingsprogramma,netwerkorganisatie,trainingsprogramma,interimmanager,op tijd realiseren van benodigde kwaliteit binnen afgesproken budget
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In order to get and keep a project under control, there are specific issues that have to be settled before, during and at the closure of a project (phase). ProjectBlauw offers a practical training course of 4 half days that covers the main aspects of working project based. Furthermore 4 in-depth trainings are available of 2 half days each focussing on Stakeholder management, Risk management, Time management and Scheduling.

You and your colleagues are increasingly involved in projects as project managers, steering committee members, sponsor and delivery manager. The reasons are:

  • that initiatives are increasingly being executed as projects and not as line activities,
  • that there are no (more) in-house project management departments with full-time project managers,
  • that we now know that fully outsourcing a project to an external party (supplier) doesn’t work,
  • that limited funds also make using (only) contractors impossible.

Participants review the training as: “practical, instructive, clear, comprehensible, personal attention, practically applicable, structured, fun.”

This training is only available as an in-company training at the moment. We are happy to discuss the options with you and would like to hear from you if you are interested in attending our next open registry training.

Training Working project-based