ProjectBlauw | Statement of requirements
ECD project,projecten op snijvlak van business en ICT,opleidingsprogramma,netwerkorganisatie,trainingsprogramma,interimmanager,op tijd realiseren van benodigde kwaliteit binnen afgesproken budget
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Statement of requirements

In 2008, the Dutch Association for the Care of the Disabled (VGN) faced the challenge to draw up a common Statement of Requirements (SoR) for their members (the institutions for the care of the disabled) for the selection of a Patient Information System (ECD). The challenge was to combine the requirements of the various institutions and the possibilities from the various software suppliers.

The approach of drafting and testing in several stages became a success and resulted in an SoR which is still used today as the basis for selections of ECDs.

Rita Hut, Senior quality assurance VGN

‘ Where projects sometimes tend to prolong, Joost made sure we did not deviate too much so that all milestones were met on time.

Selection of software

In 2011 Ipse de Bruggen (IdB), a care institution for the disabled and people with multiple disabilities in the province of Zuid-Holland, faced the challenge to select a replacement system for their Electronic Client Filing system (ECD). At the time, IdB worked with a combination of a standard package for the client administration and a custom built solution for their care processes. The challenge was to clearly state the requirements for the various healthcare components and its administration to create a proper comparison of the available software systems (ECDs). The approach consisted of a number of clear steps:

  1. from longlist to shortlist according to a statement of requirements,

  2. from shortlist to two finalists via proposals, demos and reference visits and

  3. a choice based on a proof of concept

This approach was successful; the selected system is now being used by all departments with great satisfaction.

Jeannette Hielkema, Functional application support at Ipse de Bruggen

‘Joost is a tower of strength in the project. He gives clear guidance, gets the big picture and is a strong communicator. Thanks to him, the project got off to a good start.’

Selection of communication infrastructure

ProjectBlauw supervised the selection of the main supplier of the communication infrastructure for the Omring foundation. The challenge with this process was to define a set of requirements for the communication infrastructure that has to be met in 2022 for its health care workers. They needed this visualized at present to be able to make the right choices for the future.

Carolien Nemec, Operations Manager

‘The suppliers were not able to come up with a vision for a health care organization like ours. All they said was: ‘Tell us what you want and we will come up with a solution.’ Joost facilitated sessions in which the suppliers sat down with us and we were able to let the pieces fall into place. Once our vision became clear it became the foundation for the statement of requirements.’