ProjectBlauw | Origin
ECD project,projecten op snijvlak van business en ICT,opleidingsprogramma,netwerkorganisatie,trainingsprogramma,interimmanager,op tijd realiseren van benodigde kwaliteit binnen afgesproken budget
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Joost Dudok van Heel and his ProjectBlauw network support clients in the field of project management. His knowledge, experience and network of co-workers are the result of a career within consultancy agencies and IT and Telecom companies, such as KPMG and Advisaris in The Netherlands and Quint Wellington Redwood, KAZ/Telstra in Australia. His work domain is where business and information technology meet.

The basis for all assignments we carry out is ‘step-by-step clarity’. Firstly, we provide insight in the upcoming challenge for all those involved, in order to create a shared understanding of the project plan. Next, we ensure that the targets we set at the beginning are reached on time and within budget. Our project-based approach consists of rational analyses, setting clear goals and the organized planning of activities.

This approach has proven itself in the following:

– Programme management

– Managing projects

– Drawing up programmes of requirements (for software)

– Software selection

– Developing and managing training programmes

– Configuration of systems (financial administration and customer relationship management / CRM)

– Setting up a training institute

– Coaching project and IT managers

During assignments we either have an executive role, including the responsibility for the final result, or a coaching role. See ‘In Practice’ for a number of case studies.