ProjectBlauw | Compiling a training programme
ECD project,projecten op snijvlak van business en ICT,opleidingsprogramma,netwerkorganisatie,trainingsprogramma,interimmanager,op tijd realiseren van benodigde kwaliteit binnen afgesproken budget
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Training programme:
small-scale living

ProjectBlauw has supported Atlant, an organization for small-scale living and healthcare, in making the switch towards having independent teams collaborate with clients, informal carers and other relatives. The programme that the employees went through consisted of:

  1. determining the starting position,

  2. getting ideas from practice (looking at what others do),

  3. a process for team formation (like instruments playing together) and

  4. a method for dealing with dilemmas (making difficult decisions together)

Some of the reactions of the participants were: ‘We learned another way of looking at a’ case’,’ Very applicable in the workplace ‘, ‘I wish to repeat this practice every now and then’.

Annet Brom, Manager of the Coolsingel location

‘Especially the last two parts were of great value to my location. Working with this client group was not new to us, but to further develop together team building and learning how to deal with dilemmas was a prerequisite.’

Training programme:
professional service

In 2011, Atlant, an organization for small-scale living and healthcare in the city of Apeldoorn and its periphery, faced the challenge of supporting its team members in adopting a more professional level of service. There were specific requirements attached to the subsidy that was granted in order to execute this process, and Atlant wanted to make sure that team members did not consider the mandatory training sessions as an unavoidable necessity.

Joost Dudok van Heel and Atlant decided in close cooperation to draw up a training programme consisting of a number of mandatory components for all, and some optional components for more profundity. The fact that more than 400 team members attended these training sessions is proof of the success of this approach.

Jolanda Kouthoofd, Manager Training Atlant Zorggroep

Training programme:
handling aggression

In 2013, ZuidOostZorg, an organization for care and service with thirteen locations and ZorgThuis in the province of Friesland, took on the challenge of teaching its carers to deal with aggression. The solution was found in offering a combined programme with theory, example videos and role plays with the help of a professional actor. This approach was successful, as was proven by the fact that more than 400 team members attended the training sessions.

Alie-Jet Alema en Nienke Zweers, Coordinators Training ZuidOostZorg