ProjectBlauw | Afgesproken kwaliteit, op tijd en binnen budget
ECD project,projecten op snijvlak van business en ICT,opleidingsprogramma,netwerkorganisatie,trainingsprogramma,interimmanager,op tijd realiseren van benodigde kwaliteit binnen afgesproken budget
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With its ‘blue’ vision ProjectBlauw (ProjectBlue) is capable of quickly outlining a project and steering it into the right direction. The result-oriented attitude ensures that the focus remains on completing the project as agreed. Apart from our analytical and structured approach, our independent position is clearly an added value to a project that involves (software) vendors.


Joost Dudok van Heel is co-developer and teacher of the post-HBO (post Higher education) course General Project Management. This course is offered by Windesheim Zwolle and is IPMA accredited.


Initiatives are more and more approached as a projects these days. That is why not only project managers and project team members, but also sponsors and other stakeholders need to know what project-based work means. With short practical training sessions ProjectBlauw teaches all those involved the basis of project-based working.


If projects do not start well, get stuck or are not (properly) closed-out, an analysis can be helpful to get a project back on track. ProjectBlauw is able to carry out this kind of support based on experience. By coaching your project manager and project team, we can ensure that the project continues to run smoothly.


Joost Dudok van Heel is IPMA B accredited and is coaching IPMA candidates to achieve their IPMA (B or C) accreditation.